It’s incredible how drastically 2 weeks can change your life.

2.5 years old and 8 months old

We never thought it was possible and can’t begin to thank Becky Sleep Nanny enough for all of her guidance, support and overall just amazing service.

Our mental and physical health have improved massively since sleep training our children and we have so much more energy during the day to be the best parents we need and want to be, we no longer dread the waking and disruptions that would undoubtedly unfold in the small hours of the night.

Our 2.5 year old would take up to 4 hours in one day to settle for her daytime nap and for bed and would wake constantly in the night, our 8 month old would sleep exclusively in the cot known only as mummy and daddy’s bed and nurse throughout. We truly found it hard to believe there was such a quick fix, where we would have complete confidence in our actions every step of the way to rectify our situation. 

No one likes to hear their child cry, we certainly don’t and that’s why it took us so long to attempt sleep training. Truthfully, in our experience the first couple of days were a fog of hours spent in and out of our children’s bedrooms listening to exactly that and obsessing over when those precious hours of sleep were going to take place. However, we would do it ten times over for the results we have achieved just 2 short weeks later. 

Within a matter of days, we saw results. Our son went from sleeping in mums lovingly dubbed “cradle arms”, while teething to his own room, in his own bed! and the best part? Through the night for the first time ever! All within 48 hours of starting the programme. Unbelievable. Our daughter had a unique set of self-imposed challenges since we moved her into her toddler bed a few months shy of 2 years and non-sleep trained, which was a big oops in hindsight! No problem. Becky was able to accommodate our situation and advised us on the measures we needed to take for training to be a success and what a success it was! She now puts herself to bed with little to no intervention, pulls the blanket over herself and falls asleep after 15-20 minutes unwinding from her busy, toddler day. We genuinely couldn’t believe it. If you told us our children would be doing this even 2 months ago, quite frankly we would have laughed at the idea.

Parent to parent, Becky Sleep Nanny’s sleep training programme is truly amazing, and we cannot begin to describe just how worth it this has been. Not only is Becky informed, adaptable and supportive, she is an inviting and friendly woman and mother who can 100% relate to the situation you may have found yourself in. 

This is not just a sleep training programme for children; it is for parents too. It is not just a one off price for something that will work once then the situation changes and you have to start all over again. Thanks to the education we received from Becky, we truly believe we are armed for any future eventualities regarding sleep. We learnt so much about circadian rhythms and ideal sleep states throughout the 2 weeks and it was shocking to think our children have been overtired for such a long, long time. Their moods are well and truly lifted and so are ours. Thank you for everything Becky Sleep Nanny, you are a magnificent teacher and a credit to the craft. 

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